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How it all began ...


It all started in Edmonton (home of the editors Bernie and Gail Estrin) in 2002. They felt the need for a more consistent way to let everyone in the community know what was happening by email. Since Bernie and Gail were already computer saavy, owning their own business Home & Corporate Computer Tutor , it was such a natural fit.


The “Pipeline” got it’s name from a weekly 1950’s newspaper column started by a close friends mom. So Bernie & Gail decided to revive the name. Everyone enjoyed reading the “Pipeline” so much that the editors decided to expand it. We were the very first Jewish email newsletter in Canada! 


The Calgary edition came online in 2004. Then both Vancouver and Winnipeg in 2006 and then came Ottawa in late 2008. In 2019 we refined our business plans to include only the Edmonton and Calgary regions. We are now known as "Alberta Jewish Pipeline".


It is our pleasure to deliver to you the local email news & schmooze. The “Pipe” is distributed free of charge to readers as a community service.

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